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Jul 17, 20203 min read
18 Perfect Perennials for Growing in Zones 6b/7a
Hey y'all! In today's blog post, we are happy to offer guidance to picking out absolutely stunning perennials for zones 6b and 7a. Many...

Jun 17, 20202 min read
Why Differing Foliage is Important in a Landscape
There are many ways to add interest to a landscape, and adding varying textures and shades of foliage in your landscape is an important...

Jun 10, 20201 min read
Add Mulch Before Summer's Heatwave
Mulch not only looks pretty and adds to the overall attractiveness of a gardening bed, but it also has very practical benefits. Did you...

May 29, 20201 min read
Late Spring at the Garden Center
It is hard to believe it is getting close to summer! We have had such a mild spring weather-wise this year, making it still a great time...

May 5, 20201 min read
Tropical Plants & Annuals Galore
Our tropical and annual greenhouses are filled to the brim! Maintain social distancing and enjoy the fresh air at the Garden Center to...

Apr 28, 20203 min read
Shade Trees for Middle Tennessee
Spring is a great time to plant trees. As the temperatures heat up, our desire for shade trees often increases also. What shade trees do...

Jul 25, 20191 min read
Late Summer Flowering Shrubs
Did you know there are shrubs that look their best in late July, August and September? When most flowering shrubs have finished blooming...

Jul 17, 20192 min read
Can I Plant in the Dog Days of Summer?
You most certainly can. We are sharing the top tips for planting in summer so that you have success and your plants stay happy and...

Jun 25, 20191 min read
Japanese Beetles
They are pesky and will devour the leaves (and many times, flowers!) of just about anything they come in contact with! How do you get rid...

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