We all love indoor plants. But if you're new to houseplants, or haven't had success in the past with them, it can be easy to get discouraged and think indoor plants just aren't for you. We understand and want to come alongside you to teach and guide you; to help you become a "plant parent" with several plant babies of your own (!).
Learn about six excellent beginner houseplants below and then come by the nursery. We're happy to answer additional questions you may have and help you select the perfect beginner houseplant for your space.

Epipremnum aureum
Pothos is an easy-to-grow houseplant; an excellent choice to start with if you're new to caring for houseplants. It is a no-fuss plant with shiny, heart-shaped leaves. It grows in a vining nature which makes it perfect to drape on shelves as it grows or in a hanging basket. Alternatively, it can be trimmed when it begins to vine more than you like. You can then stick that piece you've cut into a clean vase with water. It will grow roots within weeks and you will have a new plant baby for yourself or give to a friend!
Grows quickly
Not picky about soil
Thrives in indirect, bright, or low light

Sansevieria trifasciata
Snake plant (also known as Mother-in-law tongue) is an easy-to-grow houseplant; an excellent choice to start with if you're new to caring for houseplants. It's spiky foliage is often variegated (their foliage is often several shades of dark green/lime green/yellow). Snake plants require little water and grow slowly. To check if yours needs water, stick your finger about an inch into the soil of the pot. If it is completely dry, you can water deeply. Then let it completely dry out again. Depending on your environment, you may only need to water approximately once or twice a month.
This plant also loves low light (and is perfect for a room with less natural light), but can also be happy in medium or
bright, indirect light locations.
Thrives in low light
Striking, unique look that can add a lot of style indoors

Zamioculcas zamiifolia
ZZ Plant is a houseplant that is perfect for beginners. Its deep green, upright foliage grows to be approximately 2-3' tall (depending on variety). ZZ Plants enjoy low to medium-light locations, which makes them perfect for many areas of the home or office where bright, indirect light may not be available. This plant prefers medium moisture and well-draining soil.
Thrives in low light
No serious disease or insect problems

Monstera Deliciosa
Philodendrons make wonderful additions to a home, and the Split-leaf Philodendron is a favorite for many. Its large, dramatic foliage adds extra interest to a room, and because it grows larger in size (it can eventually grow to be 6-8' tall and wide but can be pruned to stay smaller if need be), it can take up a corner in a room or fill a space nicely. Philodendrons love bright, indirect light and are happiest in a west or south-facing room, where they can get ample natural light throughout the day. Be sure not to place it where sunlight will directly hit its leaves- it needs bright, indirect sunlight.
Plant Philodrendrons in a peaty soil-based potting soil mix. Split-leaf Philodendrons, in particular, grow in a climbing habit and have aerial roots. Aerial roots at the base of the plant often pop up and can be placed back in the soil to nourish the plant. Aerial roots that pop up further up the plant can be wrapped around a climbing pole or removed.
This plant is less fussy than most, however, if you are brand-new to growing houseplants and want to start with the easiest plant possible, we'd recommend beginning with either Pothos or Snake Plant.
Easier-to-grow than many houseplants
Thrives in bright, indirect light
Grows to be large (6-8' tall and wide)
Unique foliage sets it apart and makes it a favorite for many

Cacti plants aren't only found in the desert, many plant enthusiasts collect these cute yet often prickly, little houseplants. To care for Cacti, you need three basic things: bright light, a pot with drainage holes, and succulent soil. Place your Cactus in the brightest room in your home (west or south-facing) in a pot with ample drainage. As you can guess, Cacti do not like to be overwatered. You will only water sporadically and allow the soil to completely dry out between waterings. Succulent/cacti soil is important because it is designed to drain water efficiently.
Not all Cacti plants are prickly, such as Pencil Cactus.
Easier-to-grow than many houseplants
Can purchase small varieties or large varieties
Not fussy as long as you don't overwater and place them in a brightly lit room

Chlorophytum comosum
Spider plants are wonderful plants to grow due to their adaptability to many environments. They are easy to grow and not very fussy. They prefer medium light but also tolerate darker rooms, too. Their variegated foliage cascades as the plant grows, making them well-suited to hanging planters (but they are great in non-hanging pots, as well). As they grow, Spider plants grow new little "plant babies" (on long stems called stolons ) that can easily be cut from the plant, rooted, and used to start a new plant. They make great gifts and are perfect for adding additional plants in your home!
Easier-to-grow than many houseplants
Thrives in many different light locations
Cascades; pretty in a hanging basket
Produces new plants from the single plant that are easy to grow
When choosing a new indoor plant, keep in mind:
1. What kind of light your new plant needs and can you provide that
2. Choose a pot with drainage holes for the best success
3. How much your new plant needs to be watered
4. Know that some plants can be toxic to people and pets if ingested
These six plants above we almost always have in stock at the nursery.
Ask us questions on social media or at the nursery- we're here to help.