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Watering in Late Summer/ Early Fall

Guys, it's HOT outside! You don't need us stating the obvious. Now thru the end of Fall can be (usually are!) the driest times of the year for our area. That means we need to be babying our newly planted trees & plants these next several months- did you hear that? Yep, baby them like they're your lil' cutie patootie. They'll thank you for it by staying happy, healthy, & (best of all)alive. Do you know how much to water your trees & plants you've planted within the last year? Read below to find out!

Summer & Fall are the driest times in our zone, with Fall typically being the driest. Every 3-4 days water each newly planted tree or plant deeply when we are not receiving adequate rainfall. For trees & shrubs, that usually equates to about 30 minutes every few days each plant. Morning or after dinner in the evening are the best times to water.

Did you know evergreens do not show signs of being dry until much later in the game? When they're really struggling, that's when they let you know it by dropping needles & drying up. Water them well this Summer & Fall to keep them healthy, even if they look fine without it.

If you read nothing else in this post, read this: Keep watering in late Summer thru Fall. If you haven't been super faithful with watering, now it really needs it! We love to hear from you- share any questions or comments below.

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