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Five Reasons to Love Butterfly Bush

We love these beautiful shrubs here at the Nursery, & truth be told, we usually sell out very quickly after we bring them over from our growing greenhouses. So why should you love butterfly bushes also? Their name gives you a big clue! Read below to find out why they are an excellent addition to add to your garden!

Five Top Reasons to Love Buddleia & Add it to Your Garden

1. It attracts (you guessed it) butterflies & other pollinators!

I've seen so many butterflies on my butterfly bush over the last few years, & it seems this shrub does not only attract a few varieties, but in fact, many. Other pollinators also love this shrub like bees & hummingbirds, but I definitely see more butterflies flutter to this plant more than any other pollinator. We have a decline in pollinators in our country currently, so anything that helps encourage their population is good with me.

2. It loves full sun & tolerates some dryness.

Now that doesn't mean never water it after you've planted it! Keep your hose handy for the first year (especially Summer & Fall!) it is planted. But typically, butterfly bushes require minimal care after they are established in a garden. Be sure to plant in most to full day sun for the best blooms- they will not give many blooms & will look scraggly in shady spots.

3. Butterfly bushes are not typically used as focal points, but make colorful accent shrubs. These shrubs look amazing in English & cottage gardens. The smaller varieties (such as 'Miss Molly' pictured below) are great borders or short hedges. They look great as groupings & smaller varieties can be planted in a large pot to be enjoyed.

Above Photo of variety 'Miss Molly'

4. They bloom from Summer to late Fall!

Yes they do- they have a long bloom time which makes everyone (butterflies included) so happy!

5. They are easy to prune- & you'll most likely want to.

We showed a video this Winter on how to prune them, & it is so easy! Pruning is not required, although you will see more blooms & a better form overall to your shrub if you prune it each year.

We currently have many varieties, colors, & sizes of Butterfly Bush available at the Garden Center! Dwarf varieties available as well. Come by soon! Until then, what questions do you have for us today? We love hearing from you!

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