Today I wanted to share some pics of the beautiful Spring annuals we currently have available at the Garden Center. Our inventory is always shifting as these pretty flowers are bought up, so keep in mind as you scroll thru looking at their beauty that you may want to come over soon if there is one in particular you absolutely love!



Dragon wing Begonias; we also have other colors & traditional Begonias


Our hanging baskets will bloom until mid- Fall

Several beautiful varieties of Coleus


Mosquito shocker plant

Many striped varieties of petunias

I do not remember us ever carrying Weeping Vinca, which is so cool! Plant it where it can cascade out of a pot and it will look so pretty.
We have so many more not pictured, including Lantana, Marigolds, Geraniums and more. Spring annuals bloom until around the middle of October, or when we begin seeing frosts again. We'd love to see you soon at your local Nursery!