Hey y'all! Summer is wrapping up and Fall will be here before we know it! Have you begun thinking about what you might like to plant this Fall? If not, now is a great time to come stroll through the Garden Center to see plants with leaves still on them and (some will still be!) in bloom; to get an idea of what you might like in your home landscape. Fall is an excellent time to plant trees and shrubs, and we are happy to assist you with questions you may have.
Below are a few photos I recently took in my personal garden. I have ideas about what else I'd like to plant this Fall that I will share with you in an upcoming blog post!

Butterfly bushes are one of my favorite Summer flowering shrubs. Who else here loves them?!

Adding different textures to a garden really helps make it interesting. Here, a miniature Blue Spruce adds a nice focal point and you can spot a red Japanese Maple in the background!

Having plants that bloom at different times of the year is important to maintaining an interesting garden that you'll enjoy year round. These Encore Azaleas bloom in Spring and late Summer/ early Fall. Mine have just begun to bloom this season.

Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is a wonderful perennial to add texture and a Fall perennial to your landscape. Mine have not bloomed just yet, but in a few weeks, the blooms will be a beautiful maroonish red. I love placing pumpkins near them in Autumn for a great Fall display!

We are all set for bonfires this Fall! It is so nice to enjoy your backyard with friends and family, isn't it?!
There's a little look into my landscape; we would love to see your gardening pics! Share them with us on Facebook and Instagram for a chance to be featured on our feed!
Fall is around the corner and we are gearing up for an amazing Autumn, right here at your locally owned, locally grown Riverbend Nurseries. ☺ Take care and we look forward to seeing you soon!