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Early Spring Bloomers

Happy New Year, our friends!

There are only about 8 weeks until Spring, can you believe it?! That is so exciting to me; I love Spring! But even before Spring begins warming the Earth with her sun and welcoming temps (50s and 60s, anyone?!), there are some flowering trees and plants that begin preparing for her arrival ahead of time. In late February to early March, you will begin seeing these beauties come to life and showcase pastel blooms that are inviting and pleasing after Winter’s starkness!

Hamamelis ‘Arnold’s Promise’

One of the earliest Spring bloomers in our area, this variety of Witch Hazel will flower in late February. He sure is a beauty! What a bright, bold shade of yellow he boasts on an unique fringe-looking flower! These shrubs love part to full sun and can grow to be 12-15′ tall and wide if not trimmed!

Planting tip: Plant ‘Arnold’s Promise’ within view from a window so you can enjoy his beauty while it is still a bit nippy outside!

Prunus yedoensis ‘Yoshino’

These are celebrities in the tree world, known world-wide for the show they put on in Washington D.C. every Spring! Look at how delightful their clusters of pinkish- white blooms are!

Loving part to full sun, ‘Yoshino’ cherry trees are considered petite reaching only 30-40′ tall. After they bloom in early March, they produce small black cherries which taste bitter to humans but are loved by birds!

Planting tips: Plant as a specimen tree to make it a focal point in your landscape with smaller shrubs and plants around. Hostas would look great planted underneath around base. To make a bold statement, plant a grouping of cherry trees (in an odd number) for a splendid look in Spring.

Chaenomeles ‘Double Take Pink Storm’

There are many different color varieties in the Quince family, and we offer several choices right here at Riverbend Nurseries. Most are ranging in shades from hot pink to fiery orange and cherry red! They often bloom in profusion, covering most all of the shrub with their vibrant color!

Loving full sun and many varieties growing only 3-4′ tall and wide, these shrubs are a good fit for many homeowners to add to their landscape.

Planting tip: Quince looks great in a natural landscape. Plant 3 or 5 staggered in front of evergreens for a truly spectacular display in mid-March.

Forsythia ‘Gold Tide’

In Middle Tennessee, we have all seen in mid- March these gorgeous bursts of color that Forsythia is known for! Many of us consider it to be Springtime when the Forsythia blooms; it truly is a harbinger of the new season.

Also known as “golden bells”, this particular variety only grows to 2′ tall x 4′ wide. A cousin to the popular variety ‘Lynwood Gold’ (shown below), ‘Gold Tide’ is a compact, low growing selection, which makes it suitable for smaller gardens and tighter landscapes.

(shown above: ‘Lynwood Gold’ Forsythia; grows to be 8-10′ tall and wide)

Planting tips: Plant any variety of Forsythia in full sun- that will give you the most flowers!

Prune in late Spring after Forsythia has finished blooming. Do not prune in Fall or you will be cutting away the blooms for the next Spring!

With so many gorgeous flowers in Spring, these are just some of the earliest bloomers that are sure to add cheer to your garden in late February-late March.

We offer these at Riverbend Nurseries, grown on our 500 acres of land here in the heart of Thompson’s Station.

We’d love to answer any questions you have regarding planting and your yard in particular!

Which of these is your favorite early Springtime bloomer? We love hearing from you!

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