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List of Fall Veggies

Hey there! Did you enjoy vegetable gardening this Summer?! Our family sure did! It seems like every year is a learning experience and we become more familiar with what we like/ don’t like as much, how much to plant to yield the crop we’d like to achieve, and just get better at vegetable gardening in general. So with all the fun and reward of gardening, why not continue on and garden in the Autumn months also, raising yummy homegrown food for your family and to share with your friends?! I say yes!! And did you know that Riverbend Nurseries offers Fall vegetables for those who want to continue gardening into the cooler months?! Below is a list of the ones we are offering this Autumn!







In addition to these listed, we will also have pumpkins and gourds available this Fall that we have grown here on our property.

If you love a good homemade pumpkin pie, we’d love for you to come by and pick up some pie pumpkins!

We will have pumpkins of all sizes, shapes, and colors!

(pic from last Fall in the front yard of our Garden Center)

Small “boo” pumpkins, “Cinderella” pumpkins, traditional “Jack-o- Lantern” carving pumpkins, pie pumpkins, extra large pumpkins, as well as the pretty blue and white ones.

Be on the lookout as you drive by Riverbend and follow us on Instagram or Facebook for the latest news on when the veggies and pumpkins will be available!

In the next blog post, we will be sharing tips for pruning trees and shrubs this Fall, so stay tuned!….

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