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Fall Color & Tree Sale

Hi there! I had the privilege to walk through Riverbend’s tree fields a few days ago, enjoying the fresh Autumn air and being surrounded by rows and rows of trees showing off their gorgeous Autumn colors! It felt like I was in a field of trees miles away from everything, but I was just here on Riverbend’s 500 acres in Thompson’s Station, Tennessee, enjoying the spectacular brilliance all around me! I’ll show you what I mean by spectacular!….

The sky was so blue and the leaves were turning so red!

And when I stepped into the thicket of trees, there was color everywhere and fallen leaves abounding…

Nature is truly a gift; there is beauty all around us and all we have to do is be wise enough to look for it!

a bird’s nest!

You are no doubt spotting trees changing colors right now! There are many trees that have brilliant Autumn foliage- the ones seen in these photos are Maple trees, such as ‘Autumn Blaze’, ‘October Glory’, and ‘Red Sunset’. Many other types of trees give off those showy colors, such as Metasequoia, Red buds like ‘Forest Pansy’, River Birch, and Ginkgo biloba, just to name a few. Dogwoods and crepe myrtles also offer really attractive color shows in Autumn!

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